10 Bengal Cat Facts

Although the Bengal cat is beloved for its gorgeous coat and outgoing personality it is not recommended for pet owners who are not serious about keeping them as pets. Bengals are intelligent and curious animals who are eager to be noticed and explore new places. Although a Bengal can be a bit of a nuisance, it is not a difficult animal to live with. Check out these 10 facts about these adorable felines.

1. Bengals Are Wild In Their DNA

By crossing Asian leopard cats and domestic cats, the first Bengals were born. Jean Sugden Mill, who developed the breed in the 1980s, is the first to document the hybrid. Mill was one of the first breeders to create a cat that combined the charm and beauty of a wild cat with the domestic cat temperament.

2. Bengals Love Water.

Most cats run for cover when they fear getting wet, but the Bengal is water-loving. If allowed, these frisky felines will drink straight from the tap. If allowed, a Bengal might even follow its owner into the bathtub or shower. If you want privacy while bathing, close your doors and be prepared for some meowing from your Bengal.

3. Bengals Need Entertainment.

Bengals aren’t your typical lazy house cat. They are intelligent and require lots of attention. This isn’t just about toys for mice. For curious Bengals, puzzles and toys that are easy to solve will be the best. Your Bengal may find his own way out of boredom if your home lacks entertainment value. This could include damaging your electronic equipment and getting into things that it shouldn’t.

4. Bengals Excel At Jumping And Climbing.

You think your Bengal Bengal cannot reach the 10-foot high ledge on which you are displaying your orchids? You’d be wrong. Bengals can leap up to three times their height and can climb onto any shelf or ledge in their homes. They are excellent climbers and can hide in places you wouldn’t expect.

5. Bengals Can Learn Tricks.

Bengals are intelligent and eager to be taught, making them one of the easiest cats for trainers. It’s easy to teach a Bengal how to play fetch. One of the easiest tricks you can teach a Bengal to do is to turn on and turn off light switches. Be careful. It might become a strong-willed Bengal once it has learned how to do this.

6. Bengal Coats Are “Glitter.”

The Bengal’s soft, beautiful speckled or marbling coat is one of its most appealing qualities. Bengal coats are available in many colors, including black, gray, and golden brown. The “glitter gene” is a genetic trait that gives Bengals their bright, iridescent coats. Although it is hard to capture on film, a Bengal with this gene will sparkle in the sunlight.

7. Bengals Are Very Good Thieves.

Are you having trouble finding your house keys? Cross-examination may be a good idea. These adorable crooks will do whatever they like with any objects or items in your home. You might see them grab something and place it behind your couch. Or they may decide that a million pieces of furniture would look better on the living room floor. You can keep your Bengal away from your stuff by giving it lots of cat-friendly toys.

8. Bengals Love Their leash.

A leash for most adult cats will result in painful scratches on your forearms. However, a Bengal is easier to train than an adult, and it’s much more simple to keep them on a leash. Because of its natural ability to hunt birds, it is best to keep your Bengal indoors. Harness training will enable your Bengal to go outside safely while you are watching.

9. Bengals love To Speak.

Bengals can be very vocal and loud when they want something. Bengals will let you know when it is time for food or play. Before you adopt one, ensure you are comfortable with your Bengal cat. However, Bengal meows are cute, expressive, and entertaining.

10. Bengals Can Be Expensive.

A Bengal is unlikely to be found on the streets. One Bengal can be priced anywhere from $500 to $5,000 depending on its pedigree and if it is fixed. If the cat comes with breeding rights, there is often a premium. If you don’t mind if your Bengal cat is not a particular age or marking, there are many Bengal rescue groups that can help you find a cheaper pet.


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